PennDOT Connects - Mapping & Collaboration Portal
/“With the full scope of a proposed project at their fingertips, project planners are better able to consider all factors and issues that may impact the project, its delivery schedule or budget – a key priority of the PennDOT Connects transportation planning process.”
CLIENT: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)
LOCATION: Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is a large state with a population greater than 12 million, 11 districts, more than 2,500 municipalities and more than 41,000 miles of state-maintained roadways. PennDOT needed a better way to enhance cooperation between districts, planning partners and municipalities in their work to identify and address the commonwealth’s most pressing infrastructure needs.
PennDOT Connects Application replaces PennDOT’s legacy screening form for project proposals and environmental scoring and allows users to complete Project Initiation Forms within the application. It leverages business process management principles to streamline procedures and engage each user at the appropriate points of the process based upon their role and responsibilities. Social networking and collaboration tools are incorporated into the portal to promote discussion, knowledge sharing, co-creation and form completion.
The portal features an easy-to-use interface that minimizes training time and reduces the need for additional systematic programming or recoding. It also features a robust search engine that allows users to query any data point in the system.
ESRI ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Oracle database for environmental scoring